Our Advertising Business Pitch
According to AllPropertyManagement.com:
- There are over 115,000,000 housing units in the United States.
- Almost 1/3 of all U.S. housing is rented.
- 60% of U.S. rental housing is owned by individual landlords.
- Almost 60% of all housing is detached single family homes.
According to Renting YourHome.com “80% of rental single family homes are owned by individual landlords who do not use a property management service[?]. It’s a huge market. Around 10 million homes in America.” {http://blog.rentingyourhome.com/} [emphasis added]
Millions of units; Millions of landlords. Individual landlords and small property management companies are our target market! If you are interested in reaching individual landlords and property owners and small to mid-size management companies, consider advertising on MyRentalUnits.comBeta.
MyRentalUnits.comBeta is pleased to announce tiered advertising opportunities, as well as opportunities to gain exposure and recognition for your rental housing expertise at MyRentalUnits.com. We invite all small businesses, firms and companies providing products or services to the rental housing industry to join us and become a part of the MRU Community of residential property owners and managers.
What is MRU?
MyRentalUnits.comBeta, owned and operated by My Rental Units, LLC. It is an exciting new web site dedicated to providing high quality, easy to understand and implement, property management best practice advice for the California income property owner and manager.
MyRentalUnits.comBeta provides topically organized property management advice in both Q & A and essay formats. The information is current, clear, concise and easy to implement. MyRentalUnits.comBeta offers rental property owners and management companies affordable 7x24 expertise and access to vendor companies like yours, to meet their professional needs.
The MyRentalUnits.comBeta service will be delivered through a public registration membership system. Initially, no fee will be charged to users of the site. In the future, registered users will be provided the opportunity to upgrade their registration to a fee-based membership service to gain access to additional or premium content.
Premium Content Members will be provided access to additional services and special content including Rent Control advice and free or discounted pricing on leases, licenses, forms and tools. However our complementary owner and manager membership catagory will continue. Vendor advertisers can be assured their ads will reach the clients with whom they want to develop real relationships.
In the future, MRUhopes to expand its location specific advice and content to include other states with large numbers of private owners who provide rental housing to the public, such as Florida and Texas. However, initially the MRU focus will be the state of California.
Complementary Advertising Opportunities
Fee-Based Advertising Opportunities
In addition, there are other ways to become involved with MRU and gain industry recognition.
MRU Forum Moderators
Gain exposure and recognition of yourexpertiseas part of the MRU Property Management Forum. Qualified property managers and real estate attorneys are invited to join us as Forum Moderators. Submit youModerator Application form today.
MRU Faculty Advisors
In addition, qualified vendors members are also invited to apply to become a member of the MyRentalUnits.com Faculty Advisors. Facultyadvisors are required to contribute a minimum number of articles annually on assigned topics selected by MyRentalUnits.com editors, attend a single annual meeting for Faculty Advisors and will receive by-line credit and a web link at the article site. Faculty members are listed in our Faculty Directory and will be provided a Preferred vendor listing at the Basic pricing, or a Premium listing at half price, for as long as they maintain their faculty status in good standing.
A Faculty Advisor Application can be accessed here.
Vendors who are not selected as Faculty Advisors may nevertheless, submit articles of interest to the MRU editorial team. The submissions will be reviewed and considered by the MRU Editorial Board for inclusion into the MRU Reference Library.
MRU Board of Advisors – By Invitation Only
Qualified vendors who are selected as Faculty Advisors may be also invited to participate in the MyRentalUnits.comBeta Board of Advisors . The Board of Advisors meets up to 4 times per year to help guide and advise MRU in its business offerings and growth. Each Member of the Board of Advisors will receive a small stipend for each meeting attended, and may be provided equity opportunities in My Rental Units, LLC.Board of Advisor Members are listed in the Who We Are section of the MRU web site and identified as selected members of the Board of Advisors. Board of Advisor invitations will be made during the 4th Quarter of 2008, and in 2009.
If you have questions regarding, or interest inthe Board of Advisors, please contact Bill Lightner at 415.267.2900 extension 114.
Last Revision: 10.20.2009
V. 1.03