My Free (and not so free) Newsletters
We’re searching the Internet for newsletters focusing on real estate. Here’s what we’ve found so far. When we have had the opportunity to review them, we will provide our recommendations. So for now, this is just a list of what is available that seems on topic.
Employment Related Newsletters:
California EDD has newletters for the public on the following topics (as well as others):
- Employment and Payroll Tax Information
- Labor Market Information
- Paid Family Leave Information
- Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act
You can sign up here:
Investment Newsletters:
Subscription Based:
The Cain & Scott Apartment Advisor
Real Estate Investment Newsletters
Rental Property Reporter Internet News (CB Commercial Internet Users Group Newsletter) ICI
Last Revision: 10.31.2008
V. 1.01
“Market Dynamics is an examination of key influences on the apartment industry by MPF Research, the industry’s most trusted source of apartment market intelligence. To receive the latest Market Dynamics newsletter in your e-mail inbox, please click here to subscribe. “