Welcome to MyRentalUnits.com
Introducing MyRentalUnits.com, the new, 21st century resource information tool for learning about rental housing and helping you manage your property using best practice policies and procedures. Whether you are new to the residential housing business, or a seasoned veteran owner, there are resources and information for you at MyRentalUnits.com. MyRentalUnits.com will make your job as a residential property owner easier, simpler, and help you reduce your risk of ownership.
The My Rental Units web site is organized into membership based password-protected logical subject areas. The organization follows our trademarked Lifecycle of a Tenancy……from the marketing of the unit and the application process, to routine issues surrounding a tenancy, to the move-out and security deposit refund procedures at the End of a Tenancy.
You can easily get to any specific area to address a question, obtain professional best-practice advice, or find the right resources on the site and in your geographic area. Or just follow the lifecycle of a tenancy from start to finish. However, you must log in to access the site pages.
In addition, we act as your personal rental housing portal to the rental information and resources you need. Throughout the site there are links to other important rental housing sites, when you need more detailed information about a topic, or when you are interested in the latest real estate or housing technology, or you want to see the specific text of relevant housing and rental legislation. MyRentalUnits.com will take you where you need to go!

How Can My Rental Units Help Me?
My Rental Units can save you time and money by doing the leg-work for you. All the information you need is here, in a single, organized and easy to navigate location. However, to access the full site, you must register and log in. If you do not log in, you will see only a very limited number of pages.
How Much Can I Save Using My Rental Units?
You can spend hundreds or thousands of dollars each year purchasing books that quickly become outdated, or in the price of hourly visits to an attorney, after you have made an error in the management of your property. Get best practice advice before making an error and save hundreds or even thousands of dollars at the end of the year.
Where Should I Start?
Start at the Before the Tenancy, or jump to During the Tenancy, or go to the End of a Tenancy. Or for more general advice, visit anyone of our Centers of Information. But first, you must register for user access. Registration is free, fast, and simple.
In The News
We’ve brought together all the great real estate news resources in our one location - saving you time. Bookmark our News section to make staying current easy and convenient.
In our next major release, MyRentalUnits.com registered Members will have the ability to purchase and download all the essential rental forms they need.
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