Twitter for Real Estate Twits v2
If you are involved in real estate, you are faced with the need to engage in a steep learning curve for Twitter. Most of us in real estate are not involved with technology on a full time basis. We don’t have the time as we have primary jobs in real estate. Yet, in order to be effective in today’s real estate business environment, we must use the tools of today. One such tool is Twitter.
Twitter as a tool is evolving and changing so rapidly it is difficult to find resources that are not already outdated when you locate them. So when you find a resource, you have to digest it quickly.
Twitter for Real Estate Twits is now in its second edition and has just been re-released. Check out this Blog posting for details and reviews:
The actual Blog posting from NikNik · dated August 14, 2009 on can be found here:
This Blog article was first posted on the site on August 18, 2009. It is reposted here with the permission of Lightner Property Group.